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What Are Smudge Sticks and How to Use a Smudge Kit

What Are Smudge Sticks and How to Use a Smudge Kit

Smudge sticks are natural materials that when lit can provide wellness benefits.

Smudge kits can include a variety of tools.

You can make your own smudge sticks using garden materials like dried herbs and flowers or you can purchase smudge sticks that are ready to use.

Well with Brielle sells Crystals and Smudge Stick Bundles which include 2 different types of smudge sticks and crystals to match your intentions.

Examples of crystals and smudge bundles sold include:

  • Abundance bundle

  • True Love bundle

  • Heal bundle

  • Dream bundle

Click here to see the different types of crystals and smudge bundles offered and the corresponding intentions

Smudge sticks are also available in sets without crystals.

Types of Smudge Sticks and Materials That Can Be Used to Create a Smudge Kit

The possibilities are endless. Smudge sticks may be made up purely of one kind of material or a combination of natural materials.

How to Use a Smudge Kit

Use your smudge kit at any time. Setting an intention for your smudge stick and then lighting it can be one way that you use your sticks.

Smudge sticks like palo santo and white sage//sage are known to have antimicrobial features.

This makes them good air purifiers.

Additionally, many people use smudge sticks in order to clear the air of any negative energy.

Here are some steps to follow when using your smudge stick including how to light your smudge stick:

  1. Use a lighter to fire up the smudge stick.

  2. Once the smudge stick has a flame then turn the lighter off.

    Wait until the flame goes out and smoke remains before you adance to the next step.

    You can also blow the flame out and the smoke will flow.

  3. Walk around your space with the smudge stick. Be sure to spread the smoke around the air and surrounding furniture.

  4. Open closets, go into corners and cover all aspects of your home.

  5. Be sure to open a few windows or doors throughout the house so that the smoke and any negative energy//spirits can vacate your space.

  6. As you’re walking you may want to repeat a prayer or saying.

    I also close my eyes and visualize my intention.

Keep reading for more ideas!

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I love to repeat my intention or a positive affirmation out loud or inside of my head as I’m smudging my home. The same is true when I’m using my crystals to set intentions.

If you are religious then perhaps you would like to recite a prayer or create a prayer as you smudge your home.

There are also prayers, chants or little sayings that can be found online.

Below is a common smudging prayer that I found online. Some people like to use this smudging prayer to bless new homes.

Most write this prayer in third-person, but I find it most effective when we speak directly to ourselves. Therefore I have replaced “your” with “my" and other first-person pronouns.


May my hands be cleansed, that they create beautiful things.

May my feet be cleansed, that they might take me where I most need to be.

May my heart be cleansed, that I might hear its messages clearly.

May my throat be cleansed, that I might speak rightly when words are needed.

May my eyes be cleansed, that I might see the signs and wonders of the world.

May my person and space be washed clean by the smoke of these fragrant plants.

And may that same smoke carry our prayers, spiraling, to the heavens.

I hope this is helpful, babes!

Follow me on Instagram @WellwithBrielle and tell me how you use your smudge sticks and crystals.

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