Grocery List: My Favorite Vegetables & Fruits

Are you looking for produce items to add to your grocery list? I've already shared my go to grocery list produce items here, but now I'm going to tell you my favorite.

The difference is that my favorite produce items tend to be seasonal, or a bit more costly than my go to list. Some of these items also may not be as versatile for cooking like my go to grocery list. Those are the differences.


YEAH!! These are usually quite cheap to buy. Plantains are dear to my Antiguan culture & definitely among my favorite exotic fruits. I enjoy frying plantains once their skin is black. Plantains then become sweet, crispy treats for my meals!


This really could have been on my go to grocery list. I tend to be on the cheap side, but I'll usually buy these babies even if they aren't on sale. They taste delicious with everything, make bomb dips/sauces, & it's one of the few breakfast items  (avocado filled with greek yogurt + cayenne, yummmm) I enjoy.


Eggplants are so delicious. I love to roast them, or use them as a base for my veggie packed pasta sauce. I think eggplants have a creamy taste. Also, anything that can be roasted is easy money in my book!


Sooo yummy! Okay, obviously I'm obsessed with every produce item on the list. One of the best things about living in Arkansas was having easy access to a variety of produce. I could find exotic produce like jackfruit for really affordable prices depending on the season. This fruit was quite accessible in Arkansas, but I rarely purchased it because of it's size! The fruit is a bit more difficult to cut than a watermelon and requires thorough cleaning because you can only eat the fruit inside. The edible part of the fruit is tightly wrapped in the outer shell of the jackfruit. Again, the fruit is large, so this is a lengthy process, but well worth it. When I did purchase jackfruit I was always able to freeze a lot of it & save it for later. One time I even made a spicy, sweet sauce out of it! Jackfruit is super delicious & allegedly inspired the flavor for the gum, Juicy Fruit. I can definitely see the resemblance. & this may be TMI, but be careful how much jack fruit you eat in one sitting because this fruit is a natural laxative. You'll be fine if you eat it in moderation. Enjoy!


Honestly, I've just never tried to cook with artichokes & they never seem to be on sale, but I have had them in meals at restaurants. They are quite good! Try artichokes or tomatoes on grilled cheese sandwiches if you're not vegan! It's!


So tasty! I could literally eat the entire bag.


So delicious, but make sure you eat them at the right time. They can also be quite fragile when ripe.


These seemed to be available more often in Arkansas, but are definitely available in the DMV area too. Don't eat the skin!


Healthy & delicious. Kale goes great with almost everything. It can be eaten raw or cooked.


Also, dear to my Antiguan culture. This is on my go to list and favorite list because its so necessary!

Red onions & other onions

Onions are also on both lists. They taste delicious & go well with ANYTHING. They are also cheap! Unfortunately, they can make your breathe quite smelly. I prefer onions raw, but try to keep other people in mind (occasionally ^_^).

This list could probably go on forever, but I hope it gave you some fun ideas. What are your favorite vegetables & fruits? Let me know!

Click here for my go to vegetable & veggie list!