4 Foods That Support Weight Loss

Want to feel full and satisfied without restricting how much you eat? Eating healthy plant-based foods can help!

Do you have weight goals, babes? Recently, I asked in my Instagram stories if you all had weight goals. Many of you said YES! Weight goals include:

+ weight gain

+ weight loss

+ weight management

My #1 TIP: Focus on eating healthy instead of focusing on restrictions.

Babes, it’s SO important that you eat foods that are healthy. By eating lots of plant-based foods and balancing all the different dimensions of wellness, you will reach your wellness goals.

Personally, what has helped me the most with my healthy eating journey is to not deprive myself. With this list of foods that support weight loss you can focus on the good, rather than the bad.

Here are 4 Foods That Support Weight Loss:

1) Flax seeds

  • These seeds are a good source of fiber which is helpful for digestion. Start slow if you’re not used to eating seeds. Seeds like flax seeds naturally fight constipation by promotion bowel movements.

  • Known to fight chronic diseases like: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke

    Brielle’s tips:

  • Choose ground flax seed since our bodies are able to more fully digest the seed and receive it’s benefits this way

  • Add a bit to foods you normally enjoy like smoothies, oatmeal, sauces, and other meals.

  • Start slow and do what’s right for you. Flax seeds are no joke when it comes to getting your bowels moving.

2) Pistachios

Nuts are really good for helping you to feel satisfied and full. I’d recommend buying them in the shell so that you can take your time and not over eat. Think about your portions as you enjoy in these nutritious nuts! Specifically pistachios are:

  • less calories than most nuts

  • full of antioxidants

  • helps combat inflammation

  • nutritious and delicious

  • good source of protein

  • great for gut (belly) and eye health

  • vitamin B6 supports a healthy immune and nervous system

  • source of good fat for a healthy cholesterol

3) Green tea

Really we want to drink lots of water and avoid sugar sweetened beverages. When you want to have something other than water then tea is a great option. In general, tea is a great beverage option whether you’re maintaining a healthy lifestyle or just getting started by trying to lose weight. Science has found that people who drink green tea regularly are able to lose weight, but it’s not clear that green tea significantly impacts weight loss. I’ve kept it on the list though because is SO important to replace sugar sweetened beverages with healthy low calorie drinks. Could you use more healthy drink suggestions? Here’s what is SO great about green tea:

  • increases metabolism so it’s faster

  • rich in nutrients

  • full of antioxidants

Brielle’s tips:

  • Try not to add sugar. If you must have sugar then make sure its a natural sweetener like cane sugar or honey. White refined sugars are not a good choice.

  • Drink your tea warm. Tea can be warm or cold which is great for switching it up. Why warm? Your body absorbs warm water much better than it does colder water.

  • Bored with green tea? Try mixing it with other natural teas or getting green tea that includes natural flavors like mango or peach.

4) Apples

Did you know a lot of an apple’s nutrients are found in it’s skin? If you’re someone that takes the time to peel their fruit or buy is already chopped up, consider this fact next time. You don’t want to miss out on all the great nutrients that support your wellness goals!

Brielle’s tips:

  • Eat the skin to maximize your nutrient intake.

  • Try to have an apple daily.

  • Adding almond butter or really any nut butter is a healthy and delicious way to enjoy your apples.

  • Use smoothies! Smoothies are an easy and delicious way to fit in many of these foods! Apple will naturally add sweetness to any smoothie!

5) Collard greens

Leafy greens are a great food choice if you’re looking to eat foods that are low in calories, high in nutrients, and overall good for weight loss. Here are some of the benefits of collard greens:

  • Loaded with vitamins

  • Lots of antioxidants

  • A source of calcium

  • Creates volume for a full and satisfied feeling

  • Low in calories

  • Few carbs

  • Lots of fiber

Brielle’s tips:

  • Do not overcook your greens! This is SO important. Traditionally, some cultures will cook collards and other leafy greens for hours before finally enjoying them. You lose lots of nutrients this way. Try to cook your greens just enough so they are ready to eat but not limp and dull.

  • Switch it up. Eat your greens in salads, cooked, on sandwiches and so much more. Greens are also GREAT for smoothies too.

Want more? Get a free list of more foods that support weight loss here.

Let’s chat on Instagram, babes! Follow me @WellwithBrielle