How to Create the Ultimate Self Care Bath Routine

How to Create the Ultimate Self Care Bath Routine

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Ready to relax?

Routines guarantee that you will prioritize what’s important in your daily schedule. Babes, I have actually been working on creating new routines in my own life.

Here are some routines I’ve developed thus far: morning routine, meal prep routine, nighttime routine, and my latest favorite — a quick self care shower routine.

If you want science-backed wellness strategies and help create time for the wellness lifestyle you desire, enroll in the Holistic Self Care Course. It’s a great way to create effective routines that make you happy and prioritize what’s most important to you.

Consistently completing the tasks in these routines is an act of self care.


Self care is important because it helps you to maintain or even enhance your lifestyle, reduce stress, and learn more about yourself as an individual.

When we pour into ourselves, we feel our best, look our best and do our best. Essentially when we get regular self care, we are closer to reaching our higher selves.

Self care baths always help me tap into my higher self and relax.

A self care bath can be an easy, effective and fun way to nurture yourself and relax!

Are you wondering what’s a good bath routine? Or maybe you want to know “how can I entertain myself in the bath”?

Keep reading for self care bath ideas and self care bath products to enhance your bath routine!

How to Create a Self Care Bath

Here is a Step by Step Guide on How to Create a Self Care Bath:

1) Prioritize the self care bath

Schedule time to set up and enjoy your self care bath. This could mean blocking off your calendar, putting your phone on Do Not Disturb, or just deciding to take action. Once you’ve determined when your self care bath will be, do not allow interruptions to interfere with your me time.

2) Set up the bath

I always like to clean my bath tub right before a self care bath, even if the tub is already clean. Gather your self care bath items and other supplies. Start to run the water as you add in your self care bath items.

3) Relax and enjoy

It’s now time to enjoy yourself. Consider leaving electronics outside of the room so you can focus on your self care without any distractions.

What should I put in a self care bath?

Included below is a self care bath checklist to help you create your next bath ritual or self care bath routine.

Here are some key aspects of my self care bath:

  • A bath tray

I get so many questions about where I purchased my self care bath tray. The linked bath tray is very similar but has bonus features like a body brush included. It’s affordable and SO useful when creating a regular bath routine. I use my tray to store my crystals ((most cannot get wet)), a good book or an all natural candle.

  • A good, healthy drink

Typically for me this is tea. My favorite tea to enjoy is homemade ginger tea, but feel free to treat yourself to a beverage of your choice.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Warm or cool water perhaps with a squeeze of lemon, lime, ginger, or other plant-based options to add a some flavor

  • Green Tea or another tea of choice

  • Fresh juice

  • Kombucha

  • Smoothie

  • Crystals

Do you own any crystals? You can choose crystals based on your intentions, intuitively select them, or choose based on what will look really good for your bath. Be sure to check the type of crystal and how it can be safely used because not all crystals can get wet. Some crystals dissolve when wet or can even let off toxicity that may be harmful to humans. If you aren’t sure, keeping the crystals away from water but in a place where you can admire them during your bath may be the best option.

  • Sound or silence

Depends on my mood, but I’m super intentional about choosing a great playlist or keeping things quiet. Throughout the day I typically listen to frequency music or am surrounded by sound, so this is the perfect time to get silent and disconnect.

What do you prefer to hear during a relaxing bath?

Podcasts and Clubhouse are also great options!

  • Quality soap or body wash

Use your favorite soaps or body wash to smell and feel good during your self care bath. This can also be a fun way to add aesthetics to your self care bath. Many bath and body companies offer colorful choices in many different forms like bath bombs and salt bombs.

  • Environmental enhancements

Environmental wellness is an effective strategy to enhance your mental and physical wellbeing.

Eucalyptus plants, candles, or other natural elements can be used to create a vibe and add to the healing of the environment. Depending on my mood I may keep the lights off and use candles along with a very chill playlist. Other times its lights on with the candles lit too.

Have you tried using eucalyptus during your bath?

I mostly hang the branches to my shower head and use them during showers, but it can work for baths too. Eucalyptus has a number of natural health benefits and is quite inexpensive to purchase. Try it soon if you never have before!

Want more ideas on how to create the ultimate self care bath?

Instantly download the Ultimate Self Care Bath Checklist now by clicking here.

Self Care Favorites:

What are your favorite products to use? Let me know in the comments below!

Let’s chat on Instagram, babes! Follow me @WellwithBrielle